Monday, November 30, 2015

The secret to live HERE and HAPPY

In our rush to get through the tasks of our day, to complete our errands and answer emails, to look at the next video… when do we think we’ll find happiness?
If it’s not here right now, when will it come?
Maybe we think it’ll come when we improve our lives, or meet our goals, or succeed at our business, or finish our college degree, meet someone or have our first child.  Maybe it’ll come when we go on vacation, or when we find time to relax. Maybe tomorrow.
Or we could try this:
  • Slow down instead of rushing. Breathe deeply.
  • Pause to savor the current moment.
  • Really notice everything about the moment, and find small things to appreciate.
  • Be grateful for what there is right here, right now. Count your blessings.
  • Allow the things that are bothering you to just be in your life, without fighting with them, without pushing them away.
  • Don’t allow little things to offend you. They’re not worth ruining this moment.
  • Let the beauty of this moment wash over you.

These are all things we already know. But we don’t actually do them. The key here is practice.
If you don’t practice being present, slowing down, enjoying the moment right now, when will you practice? 
What are you practicing now instead?
Start your practice this moment.
"In this moment you are here, you are living, you are present, you are fully blessed” Fiji Mc Alpine.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Make your cleaning products... with 3 ingredients.

Hi, this time I will share with you my ecological cleaning products. They are cheap, simple and good with the environment.

With just 3 ingredients you can make almost every one of the products you need at home.

All-purpose cleaner
  • 3 tablespoons of dish soap
  • 75mL water
  • Lavender oil or tea tree (optional)

Combine all of the above in a spray bottle, shake well.

Clogged WC
  • 70 to 100 mL of hot water
  • Half a cup of baking soda
  • 100mL of vinegar

Pour the warm water with baking soda add the vinegar  and wait until it stops bubbling. Use a toilet brush for cleaning.

All Surface polish (tiles, bathroom floor…)
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Water

Mix baking soda with water until  it becomes a paste. Place it on a sponge and polish the surface you need.

Toilet bowl cleaner
  • 50ml vinegar

Pour it in the toilet, let sit overnight. In the morning scrub and flush.

Glass & Window cleaner
  • 100ml vinegar
  • 100 mL of water

 Mix vinegar with water and pour into a spray bottle.

Floor Cleaner
  • 3 tablespoons of dish soap
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 ½ lt Water
  • 10 drops of essential oil (lavender or tea tree)

Mix the ingredients in a bucket and go!

Kitchen Cleaner
  • 250ml water
  • 5-10 drops of lavender oil

Mix the two ingredients in a spray bottle. Lavender oil will leave a wonderful smell in your kitchen and will relax you.

See you next week!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Difficult week? Try our secrets to make it GREAT!

Your mornings set the tone for the rest of the day

If you get off to a crummy start, chances are the rest of your day will look the same. Rolling out of bed with your mobile in hand, scanning the latest Facebook posts and checking your email may not be the best start if you’re already super stressed.

More and more people are finding a meaningful morning practice to be the solution. By adding this practice in between waking up and starting the day, you’re sure to move through the world more grounded and connected.

I created a simple practice to help you move through the day without stress calling the shots.

  • Place 1 to 2 drops of grapefruit or wild orange essential oil in the palm of your hands.  Rub your hands together, cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe in deeply for five rounds of breath.
  • Set an intention for the day  How do you plan to be happier today? What are you going to learn from this day? How are you going to live and enjoy it?
  • Be grateful  Count your blessings and appreciate them.
  • Take a glass of water  This helps your body to begin the day and wakes you up softly.
  • Move your body, stretch a little bit  It really doesn’t matter what you do here; just move out of your head and into your body. Stretch your body, do some head rolls or shoulder shrugs, move in a way that feels good to your body and your natural rhythm, you can even dance to your favorite song.

By giving your body the chance to practice dealing with stress in a different a way, you’re creating a new positive pathway. This simple morning practice can be done in 10 minutes or less from anywhere in your home.

Try it and notice how it sets you up to move through your day more aware, present and with less stress. The most effective practices are the ones that find a place in your daily routine.

Taken from “A 15-Minute Morning Ritual To Dramatically Reduce Stress” by Megan Roop

Monday, November 9, 2015

What you eat it’s FINE ... what you DON'T EAT can make a difference.

What would you think if I told you that what you eat is not what makes you sick. 

What would you do if I told you that instead of choosing a diet in which you have to avoid eating certain food, I give you one in which you HAVE to eat ...

Let me explain:
We are so used to follow diets that exclude certain foods and teach you to count portions every day. In my experience this rarely works and as soon as we lose the weight we wanted, we return to our previous habits and regain it.

We need a healthier way of life that is attractive, simple and easy to keep forever… yes forever.

Let's start by making a list of healthy choices:
- Water
-  Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Legumes
- Vegetable protein

I'm sure that we are missing at least one of these healthy choices. Pick one that you almost never eat and include it your next week´s menu.

I recommend that if you choose water, drink at least 3 glasses a day. If you choose fruits and vegetables, try to eat at least one cup a day. If what you're missing are whole grains and legumes, try to include half cup a day and if it is vegetable protein, try 30g.

No need to remove anything from your regular diet.

What is going to happen?
When you include at least one healthy option every day, you cease to eat a bit less junk food. Over time, you'll feel better and you will include more healthy options, progressively diminishing the not so healthy ones. 

After six months of following this method, you will have established a habit and your chances of success are very high

I know it will work ... begin TODAY.