Monday, April 29, 2013

How to sweeten your life without sugar

This time I want to give you some ideas to remove sugar from your daily diet, without sacrificing the taste of your food.  Remember that if your family eats less sugar, they will reduce their risk for obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. So let’s begin:

  • For this warm summer, you can make fun popsicles with stevia: Mix 1lt of water with the juice of 3-4 limes, add stevia until is sweet enough.  Put several pieces of fruit in the popsicle form and fill them with the lemon-stevia mix. Choose fruits of different colors and forms for a funny looking dessert.

  • If you like fresh fruit desserts but think they are sometimes too sour, sprinkle stevia and it will improve the flavor.

  • If you like clear water with a little flavor, add stevia to a liter of water and add slices of fruit such as lemon, orange, tangerine or watermelon.  Then add a lot of ice and enjoy!

  • Make fresh fruit water blending your favorite fruit (lemon, orange, watermelon, cantaloupe, guava) and adding some stevia to sweeten.

  • If your kids like chocolate milk, mix a glass of skim milk with a little stevia and a teaspoon or two of cocoa, so you will eliminate sugar completely and your children will still enjoy the drink.

  • Make delicious smoothies by blending yogurt or skim milk, seasonal fruit and stevia.

  • If you like baking and desserts, visit our page: and you will find low calorie recipes, prepared with stevia.

See you next week!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Checklist to eat less calories with the same flavor.

I hope that during these weeks you have been eating healthier, cheaper, and tastier with a little less calories. This time we will make a brief summary of the low calorie foods:

  • Light products are those that have been reduced 30% of the normal product’s calories.

  • There come in two forms: low carb and low fat.

  • They are NOT magical and they don’t make us lose weight.

  • Eating low calorie products does not mean eating double.

  • Choose the low calorie natural options (skim or natural sweeteners).

  • Choose fresh over aged cheeses.

  • Use vegetables to eat fewer calories but more quantity.

  • Mix the cereal that you like with another cereal that contains no sugar.

  • Drink water before and after eating in order to feel full sooner.

  • Prepare low fat meals using non-stick pans.

  • Prepare low sugar desserts using natural sweeteners like Stevia.

See you in the next blog!

Monday, April 15, 2013

10 tips to eat light without buying diet products.

This time I will give you some tips that I use in order to eat low-calorie products without having to buy expensive ones:

1. If you are used to eating cereal in the morning, try to prepare it with skim milk and add fruits like banana, strawberry, peach or pear. This way you will eat more fiber, less sugar and you will be more satisfied.

2. If you like sweet and high-calorie cereals, I recommend purchasing a large box of unsweetened cereal like oatmeal (Quaker), corn (Corn Flakes),or rice (Special K), then buy the small presentation of your favorite cereal and mix them; this way you will reduce the calories you eat at breakfast without sacrificing the flavor.

3. If you like sweet bread, cut each piece in half and eat one piece each time.

4. If you like cookies, choose the ones that do not have any filling and prefer the ones with fiber.

5. Change whole milk to skim milk.  If you're braver switch to soy milk.

6. If you're a fan of aged cheeses like Machego, Gouda or Edam, make sure that on your weekly grocery shop you buy half of them fresh like mozarella or cottage cheese and half of the ones you like.

7. If you like your eggs scrambled, prepare them in a non-stick pan to reduce the fat, use only one per person and add vegetables like squash, peppers, onions, corn, etc. You will feel more satisfied, increase your fiber intake and will reduce fat (and they will look so tasty).

8. Change to cooking oil spray and choose non-sticking pans.

9. Take 2 glasses of plain water before eating and a cup of tea or coffee after dinner. You can use stevia to sweeten your drinks (each teaspoon of sugar has 20 calories).

10. If you like soda or flavored water, try diluting them gradually, first add 1/4 of water to your soda and increase it gradually.

See you next week!