Monday, March 30, 2015

Working from home couldn´t be EASIER.. just follow these tips.

I used to imagine that being self-employed or working from home was a luxurious lifestyle, free of rules or scheduling. 

Couldn’t be more wrong!
Over time I've developed a way of working that increases my productivity and allows me to enjoy the benefits of working from home

Here are 12 tips on how to successfully work from home:

  • Rise and Shine

It is important that you set a time every day to start your journey, it will set the tone of your day and you will feel productive from the beginning.

  • Establish a morning routine.

Your morning routine sets the tone for your day. It gives you time to clear your head, get focused and enjoy the extra time you have because you don't to have to commute to work.

I always start my day with setting an intention (be present, content…), then I eat breakfast and take a shower. Taking an hour to do this every day helps me feel centered, focused and energized before starting my work day.

  • Get dressed.

While the idea of spending all day in your pajamas might sound appealing, getting dressed can actually increase your productivity.  In theory you could get the same amount of work done in a business suit or a flannel onesie, but getting dressed for the day helps delineate work time from sleep/relax time.

When you look and feel put-together, you tend to be more productive. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident and you'll be off to a great start.

  • Meditate

Even 5 minutes can make the difference. It is scientifically proven that meditation relaxes you, increases creativity and productivity. I can’t begin my work day without the refreshing feeling of a quick meditation.

See you next week with some more secrets!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Try this simple changes... feel the difference.

Drinking Too Little Water

This is one of the simplest diet blunders to fix. Water is essential for burning calories. If you let yourself get dehydrated, your metabolism drags, and that means slower weight loss. Research suggests adults who drink eight or more glasses of water per day burn more calories than those who drink less.


Ditching Dairy

Full-fat milk, cheese, and ice cream are taboo for many dieters, but ditching dairy foods may be counterproductive. Some research suggests the body burns more fat when it gets enough Calcium. Calcium supplements do not appear to yield the same benefits, so dairy may have other things going for it, too. Stick to nonfat or low-fat dairy options.


Setting Unrealistic Goals

Telling yourself you'll lose 20 pounds your first week is probably setting yourself up for failure. If you know you won't be able to do it, you may never start your diet in the first place. A realistic goal is vital to successful dieting. In general 500g per week can be a doable goal.

Have a great weeek!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Three tips that will help U more than U think...

If your favorite pair of jeans won't fit, the scale seems stuck, or your weight drops off only to bounce back up, there's a chance you could be making one of these weight loss blunders.


Relying on Crash Diets

Determined to lose 10 pounds fast, you turn to a crash diet. Perhaps your plan calls for nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup each day. You slash your daily calories to fewer than 1,000, and sure enough, the pounds melt away. But when you eat so few calories, you train your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories more slowly, and you usually regain the weight.


Skipping Breakfast

Skipping breakfast seems like a simple way to cut calories, but it can make you hungry the rest of the day. This may lead to unplanned snacking at work and eating a supersized portion at lunch. 
But breakfasts that are high in protein and fiber can curb hunger throughout the day. In fact, studies show people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.


Thoughtless vs thoughtful Snacks

Maybe you count calories at every meal, but what about all those nibbles in between? There's the bag of pretzels at your desk, the little slice of cake at a party, the taste of your son's ice cream cone. All of this mindless munching adds up and could sabotage an otherwise well-planned diet.


Thoughtful snacking may do just the opposite. People who eat several small meals and snacks a day are more likely to control hunger and lose weight. Snacking helps keep your metabolism in high gear, especially if the snacks are protein-rich.


Sipping Too Many Calories

When counting calories, many of us tend to overlook what's in our drinks. This is a big mistake when you consider that some fancy coffees, alcoholic beverages and even fruit juices have more than 500 calories. What's worse is that liquid calories don't curb hunger. 

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Is there a healthy alternative to sugar?

... Sweeter than sugar ... Can lower blood pressure ... Lowers blood sugar ... Is it natural? ... The sugar of the future? .... 

What is Stevia and why is it so famous?
Stevia is a plant native to South America and like sugar cane, it has the wonderful quality of sweetening what it touches.  Used in Paraguay for centuries as a sweetener by the Guarani natives, in 1900 it was discovered that this little plant was able to sweeten 200 times more than sugar.  

The plant was named Stevia Rebaudiana, able to sweeten more than sugar but without calories or increasing blood sugar and without sugar’s side effects.  Within the Stevia leaf we can find several substances: stevioside and rebaudioside, that are responsible for its sweetness.  

Some studies have shown that steviosides have the ability to lower blood pressure, blood sugar levels and even help reduce tooth decay.  The rebaudioside moreover, proved not to have any effect beyond the sweetness, and thus was considered safe for consumption by any person.  

Thanks to these qualities, Stevia has become a good natural alternative to sugar and synthetic sweeteners on the market.  Whether you suffer from diabetes, are on a low -carb diet or just like to take care of your health, Stevia is the first natural and healthy alternative to eating sweet.
Stevia is heat resistant, so it can be used for cooking, baking and can be mixed with any food without altering its taste Since it is much sweeter than sugar, it takes very small amounts to achieve the sweetness you like.

After reviewing more than 300 studies evaluating the safety of Stevia, in 2006 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that there is no evidence that Stevia poses a health risk.  Later, in December 2008, it was authorized in America, and finally in November 2011 in the European community.

If you're interested in trying this new alternative, you can start by buying the sweetener which is a white powder that looks like sugar.  Use it to prepare fruit smoothies, fruit salads and experiment until you find the flavor you like. You can also include it in your baking recipes by replacing half the sugar with Stevia ... there are jams, juices , teas and jellies on the market that can help you gradually decrease sugar and include Stevia without sacrificing the taste of your food.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Freaking out?!... relax in one minute

Have you ever had a stressful situation in which you wished you had a magic tool to remain calm? Well there is one, it’s called the 4-7-8 relaxation breathing sequence.
This technique relaxes the nervous system and allows you to be calm and think clearly.
Here's how you do it:
1. Sit up straight in a chair.

2. Place the tip of your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. Keep it there through the entire breathing process.

3. Breathe in silently through your nose to the slow count of 4.

4. Hold your breath to the count of 7.

5. Exhale through your mouth to the count of 8, making a slight audible sound.
6. Repeat the 4-7-8 cycle another three times, for a total of four breathing exercises.

Have a calm Monday ; )

 “When the breath is calmed the mind too will be still…” Svatmarama