Monday, June 24, 2013

WHAT have we done?!

This week I am posting a spectacular video that made me think about everything we've done and all that we can still change in our planet. 

Hope you like it ...

Monday, June 3, 2013

What can I do if I have Hypertension?, And how I can avoid it?

 This time we have invited the expert in nutrition and cardiovascular disease, María del Carmen González.  With more than 8 years of experience, she will give us some tips to prevent this disease and if you already suffer it, know what changes in your lifestyle can help you to improve your blood pressure:

Did you know that overweight and obesity are conditions that increase the risk of high blood pressure?  This disease does not respect social status, religion or nationality, therefore we must take urgent actions to prevent and treat it.  

In most people with high blood pressure the causes are unknown. What we do know is that this disease is more common in overweight and obese people, those who do not exercise, people who have parents or siblings with high blood pressure, those who eat a lot of salt and those who have an unhealthy diet.

In the early twentieth century, scientific studies were published in which it was discovered that people with this disease can reduce their blood pressure by consuming less salt in their diet.  Some people improved so much it was as if they were taking medication.

Because our lifestyle has a great effect on this disease, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, exercising and eating healthy. In order to do this in the coming weeks, we will help you with some easy recommendations and hope you achieve a better control your blood pressure.

See you!