Many of us watch what we eat but not what we drink when on a diet. That’s a
mistake. The average person drinks one
out of five of their daily calories.
the right drinks can tweak your metabolism, curb your appetite, and help cut
Every time
you chug a bottle of soda, you get hundreds of empty calories. Switching to diet soft drinks is an easy way
to cut calories, but the research is uncertain on whether this switch leads to
weight loss. Some studies show only a
short-term benefit. Others find diet
soda drinkers gain weight.
Most sports
and energy drinks are calorie bombs like soda. They may have more added nutrients, but you
can find the same vitamins and minerals in low-calorie foods. When you're working on weight loss, stay
hydrated with water rather than sports drinks, unless you need the extra
nutrients because you're exercising hard and sweating a lot
Once you add
flavored syrups, or a snowcap of whipped cream, your mug of black coffee is
full of fat and sugar. Specialty coffees
can have up to 570 calories per cup: possibly more than an entire meal! If you don’t like your coffee black, add a
little skim milk and stevia to keep the calorie count low.
Juice can
have as many calories as soda, but it has more nutrients. This presents a dilemma: You want the vitamins
and antioxidants without all the extra sugar. Look for 100% fruit juice. Steer clear of juice drinks that have added
sweeteners. Check the nutrition label
for the percentage of real juice. You
can also slash calories by drinking water with a tiny bit of juice added
- Smoothies
Blend a
banana, strawberries, and blueberries into a frothy smoothie, and you’ve got a
delicious drink. Make your own, so you
can control the ingredients: skim milk (or an alternative, like soy milk), stevia and
fresh or frozen fruit are all you need. Restaurant
smoothies may include ice cream, honey, or other sweeteners that boost the
calorie count sky-high.
carbonated soft drinks with water will cut hundreds of calories per day. Drinking two glasses of water before a meal
may also help you feel full faster, so you don’t eat as much. Drinking enough water may have a positive
effect on your metabolism.
juice is as nutritious as fruit juice, with about half the calories but a lot
more sodium. One cup of tomato juice has
41 calories, compared to 122 calories for orange juice. Choosing juice with pulp provides some fiber too, which may help control hunger.
When you
need a shot of caffeine, coffee is a better choice than soda or energy drinks. Black coffee is calorie-free and rich in
Green tea is
an excellent choice when you’re looking for a little boost. Not only is it
calorie-free, some research suggests green tea extract may stimulate weight
So… now you
have more tools to drink healthier and even reduce some pounds... cheers!