This time I will give you some tips that I use in order to eat
low-calorie products without having to buy expensive ones:
1. If you are used to eating cereal in the morning, try to prepare it with
skim milk and add fruits like banana, strawberry, peach or pear. This way you
will eat more fiber, less sugar and you will be more satisfied.

3. If you like sweet bread, cut each piece in half and eat one piece each
4. If you like cookies, choose the ones that do not have any filling and
prefer the ones with fiber.
5. Change whole milk to skim milk.
If you're braver switch to soy milk.
6. If you're a fan of aged cheeses like Machego, Gouda or Edam, make sure
that on your weekly grocery shop you buy half of them fresh like mozarella or
cottage cheese and half of the ones you like.

8. Change to cooking oil spray and choose non-sticking pans.
9. Take 2 glasses of plain water before eating and a cup of tea or coffee
after dinner. You can use stevia to sweeten your drinks (each teaspoon of sugar
has 20 calories).
10. If you like soda or flavored water, try diluting them gradually, first
add 1/4 of water to your soda and increase it gradually.
See you next week!
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