Monday, December 31, 2012


How was Christmas? Did you manage to eat blindly? How did it feel? Did you find something new?

I hope it was fun and you enjoyed new flavors and textures...

For this week try something challenging:

Eating in 30 minutes, no more no less.

Do not set a timer, just check the time when you sit down to eat and when you remove your plates, I was impressed at how quickly and how little I was savoring food, the interesting thing was that at the end of the week I ate a little less than before.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Last week’s challenge was to serve every dish before sitting down at the table.

Did you feel less anxious? Did you feel full faster? Was it easier for you to be calm when eating?

If this worked for you, continue to do it so that it becomes a habit.

The challenge this time is very interesting and it is going to be something fun to share at Christmas dinner:

When you sit down to eat (and with every dish served at the table) try to close your eyes with every bite.  

If you want to do it more interesting and you are eating with someone, you can blindfold each other.

Tell me how it went and what discoveries you had...

Monday, December 17, 2012


It has been proven that only by making small changes over long periods of time, can we achieve permanent success.

I challenge you to make a change per week, or choose one with which you feel comfortable and make it part of your daily life.

I propose:

This week try to serve all you're going to eat before sitting down to the table.

Let's see what happens...

Monday, December 10, 2012

7 reasons to quit sugar without making your life bitter...

How many news, emails, posters and commercials have you watched talking about sugar pros and cons? How many advertisements do we see every day promoting sweeteners alternatives for our food?

Since artificial sweeteners appeared, a war began between sugarcane producers and calorie free sweeteners.  

Much of the information we receive from the benefits or harms of sugar, come from different organizations that wish us to choose the certain types of sweeteners that are convenient to them.  The versions of the truth are endless and many tendentious.

This time I will introduce you to a new sweetener called Stevia: it is a plant that has been cultivated for hundreds of years in South America.  Its leaves are very sweet so it has been used to flavor drinks and medicines in several countries as Japan, Paraguay, United States, Canada and recently Europe.

I am convinced that Stevia is a good choice for your family for the following reasons:

1. Stevia concentrate is very sweet

Stevia’s sweetener substance, Rebaudioside, can be up to 250-300 times sweeter than sugar.

2. Stevia does not add calories

Being so sweet, the amount you add to your food is minimal so it does not add calories to your diet and helps you lose weight.

3. Stevia is heat stable

So you can cook with it and use it in hot drinks.

4. Stevia lasts 10 times more than sugar.

So instead of buying a kilo of sugar you will only need 100g of Stevia.

5. Stevia is not addictive

Unlike sugar cane that acts like a drug in your brain, Stevia is not addictive so it will help to reduce cravings for sweet foods.

6. Stevia is good with your teeth

It slows bacteria’s growth and also, by eating less sugar, you will help maintain a good dental health.

7. Stevia is good for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Since it contains no sugar, Stevia is a good alternative for those who have diabetes and do not want to completely eliminate sweet foods.

I do not pretend to tell you what to choose, but I think that in life, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of what you give to your body and your family, so you are able to give them the healthier and safer products.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The bitter side of sugar.

Remember this typical scene on TV? A girl has just ended a relationship and the first thing she does is eat ice cream and watch romantic movies.

Sugar has been our partner since we were little; it has been the reward, the prize and the consolation after a heartbreak.  And we wonder: Why do we love it so much? Why are we so drawn to candy or chocolate and not to other types of food?

Well, sugar consumption causes the brain to secrete substances that make us feel better emotionally.  There is also the theory that eating sugar intermittently can change your behavior, through addiction related hormones such as dopamine, creating dependency.

Let me tell you a little bit more about this character:
  • ·         Sugar began its career in the year 500 BC, in India.
  • ·         His first name was "Khanda" (does the word Candy sounds familiar?).
  • ·         It became famous when it was crystallized in SXVIII.
  • ·   His discovery changed the course of human history: new colonies were formed, increased slavery, migration and wars between countries.

In the last two decades sugar has stopped being so political and entered into the health area.  Consumption of sweetened beverages increased by 135% between 1977 and 2001 and is considered one of the causes of the world epidemic of overweight, which goes hand in hand with many diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and cancer.  

Currently 1 billion adults worldwide suffer from excess weight ... This is equivalent to all the inhabitants of the American continent!

Let's do a little calculation:

An average soda can (360ml) has 150Kcal and 40-50g of sugar which is equivalent to 5 tablespoons of sugar, if these calories are added to the daily diet ...

A can of soda a day can lead to weight gain of 6.75 kg in 1 year!

I once had a patient who was 10kg overweight.  Since his job made it very difficult to change his diet I began with the simplest strategy, I asked him to switch from soda to water.  In just two months he lost about 8kg, he could not believe that something as "harmless" as soda would increase his weight so easily.

But, unfortunately, we not only eat sugar when we add it to the coffee or have a coke.  It's amazing the amount of foods developed by the food industry, which use sugar to flavor, texture or color to food.  Click here to learn where it is hidden: 

Sounds terrible doesn’t it? Let’s do something about it… this week try to add only half of the sugar to your coffee, drink water instead of soda or just read the labels of the products you buy.  The good news is that you don’t have to resign to a bitter life.  In the next blog I will introduce a new member of the family of sweeteners, which will help you lose weight in a natural and safe way.

Before we go lets watch a sweet story... 


Vasanti S Malik, Matthias B Schulze, and Frank B Hu Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain:a systematic review Am J Clin Nutr 2006;84:274–88.

Nicole M. Avena, Pedro Rada, and Bartley G. Hoebel, Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake, Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008 ; 32(1): 20–39.

Nicole M. Avena,1,2 Pedro Rada,1 and Bartley G. Hoebel, Sugar and Fat Bingeing Have Notable Differences in Addictive-like Behavior, J. Nutr. 139:623–628, 2009.

Erik E. J. G. Aller 1,†,*, Itziar Abete 2,†, Arne Astrup 3, J. Alfredo Martinez 2 and
Marleen A. van Baak, Starches, Sugars and Obesity, Nutrients 2011, 3, 341-369

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Famous Lies...

Frequently, we receive information about new fantastic diets, magical and wonderful food, stories of people who lost weight with the least effort, devices which with only 5 minutes a day give you the body of a model, etc.  It's amazing the range of solutions for a healthy life; the problem is that most of these strategies are designed for financial gain rather than a benefit to health.   

Unfortunately, lies disguised as acts of magic abuse our desire to live better and sometimes fail, badly educate and confuse those who want to reach a healthy weight, have a balanced life or just feel better.

This time I chose the most common lies that have prevented us in our attempts to improve our quality of life:

The Green Lie

How many times have we been sold the idea that if we replace one meal (lunch or dinner) for a delicious salad, the path to thinness is granted?.  We prepare our salad and eat in hopes of looser pants in a few days and we run into a horrible feeling: hungry a few minutes later and the torture of waiting until dinner to eat whatever we want.  As the days pass, we realize that our weight stays the same (or higher), we have been hungry for days and expected results never come.  All we get is more frustration, moodiness and being starved for a few hours every day.

The thing about the salad is that it doesn’t have the correct ingredients to make us feel satisfied: protein or fat, so we will be "starving" just a few minutes after we have finished eating and "biting" snacks until the next meal where we will eat even more. 
Another mistake is the dressing: we prepare a lettuce salad with lemon and add several tablespoons of that delicious dressing that gives us 300 calories and we end up eating the same amount of energy of a hamburger. Our effort was lost…

Tip: Include salads in your diet but add some protein like tofu, chicken, fresh cheese and a little olive oil or your favorite dressing (1 tsp).

Activity Lies

Our generation has grown up with the belief that the harder and longer we work out, the healthier and thinner we will be.  Time magazine recently published that excessive exercise (more than 45 minutes a day), can be counterproductive as it increases your hunger, so you end up eating more calories than the ones you burned at the gym. Also, people who perform strenuous workouts tend to be more sedentary during the day than those doing small training periods.

Tip: Find an activity you like and practice it 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes, it doesn’t have to be cardio to be effective, there are other options such as dance, yoga, pilates or walking that will give very good results without much effort . Nor is it necessary to join a gym, there are many free online options that can be tailored to your schedule, abilities and tastes.

Tired Lies

And finally, rest. This is an essential ingredient for achieving a good quality of life and often we ignore it.  We think that staying in bed an extra hour on Sundays will make up for the 6 days we spent working instead of sleeping.  Daily activities (being fun or not) wear you down physical and emotionally.  If we do not learn to recover, the body will eventually charge us the bill.  Rest is a habit that includes the mind and body: It is better to sleep 30 extra minutes a day than staying in bed 3 hours on a Sunday.
Tips: Try to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than you are used to and read a book or just relax.  Meditation is a very useful tool for resting the mind and you don’t have to be a spiritual person to get a benefit.

Remember that a new habit is established after 6 months of practice; choose comfortable and easy changes so they stay for good.