Monday, March 16, 2015

Three tips that will help U more than U think...

If your favorite pair of jeans won't fit, the scale seems stuck, or your weight drops off only to bounce back up, there's a chance you could be making one of these weight loss blunders.


Relying on Crash Diets

Determined to lose 10 pounds fast, you turn to a crash diet. Perhaps your plan calls for nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup each day. You slash your daily calories to fewer than 1,000, and sure enough, the pounds melt away. But when you eat so few calories, you train your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories more slowly, and you usually regain the weight.


Skipping Breakfast

Skipping breakfast seems like a simple way to cut calories, but it can make you hungry the rest of the day. This may lead to unplanned snacking at work and eating a supersized portion at lunch. 
But breakfasts that are high in protein and fiber can curb hunger throughout the day. In fact, studies show people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.


Thoughtless vs thoughtful Snacks

Maybe you count calories at every meal, but what about all those nibbles in between? There's the bag of pretzels at your desk, the little slice of cake at a party, the taste of your son's ice cream cone. All of this mindless munching adds up and could sabotage an otherwise well-planned diet.


Thoughtful snacking may do just the opposite. People who eat several small meals and snacks a day are more likely to control hunger and lose weight. Snacking helps keep your metabolism in high gear, especially if the snacks are protein-rich.


Sipping Too Many Calories

When counting calories, many of us tend to overlook what's in our drinks. This is a big mistake when you consider that some fancy coffees, alcoholic beverages and even fruit juices have more than 500 calories. What's worse is that liquid calories don't curb hunger. 

Have a wonderful week!

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