Monday, November 3, 2014

BAD night, good morning?

Goood morning!

If last week’s recommendations left you sleepless, try the following.  

Remember that it takes time to correct your "biological clock", with time you will get deeper, longer periods of sleep.

  • Sleep and Sex

Experts say sleep and sex should be the only pastimes pursued in the bedroom.  Don't balance the checkbook, talk on the phone, or watch TV.  Everything about the room should be associated with rest and relaxation.

Tip: The best sleep temperature for most people is on the cool side--below 76 degrees.

  • Body Clock

Go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day -- including weekends. This routine will put your brain and body on a healthy sleep-wake cycle. In time, you'll be able to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly through the night.

Tip: Get out in bright light for 5 to 30 minutes as soon as you rise. Light is the most powerful regulator of the biological clock.

  • Lower the Lights

Starting two to three hours before bedtime, dim the lights around the house and put aside any work, arguments, or complicated decisions.  It takes time to turn off the emotional and intellectual "noise" of the day. Lowering the lights signals your brain to produce melatonin, the hormone that brings on sleep.

Tip: Use a 15-watt bulb when reading in the last hour before bed.

  • Blue Light

Insomnia feeds on the minor details of modern life, like the soft blue glow from a cell phone, PDA, or digital clock resting on your bedside table. The short waves of blue light may interfere with sleep.

Tip: Turn off TVs, computers, and other blue light producers an hour before sleep. Cover any blue displays you can't shut off.

Sweet dreams…

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