I'm not saying eat tasteless, just be careful about how you add flavor to the food: homemade sauces without oil, lemon, vinegar, soy, and chili powder in reasonable quantities, do not change the quality of your diet.

Follow your objectives 5 days and stop for 2. Ten intensive days and 3 lazydays are the WORST thing you can do.
First, your metabolism will never accelerate, as it does not receive a constant stimulus. Second, you lose time and money without getting anywhere! Chances are in a few months, you will be in the exact same point where you started. Third, the worst part is that you get tired and your mind is generating a sense of failure over and over again.
As a tip, if you are not ready to start it’s OK. Take the time you need to convince yourself that you will do this and you're willing to pay the price, and once you decide CONTINUE until you are happy with the results.
The name of the game is TENACITY.
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