Let's take advantage of it!
First of all, remember that creating a new habit requires slow and gradual change. Talk to your family and make them part of the change. Explain your plan and involve them. If everyone participates it will be easier and there will be less resistance to eat healthier and improve their quality of life.
- Healthy Cupboard
In order to eat healthier and not fall into temptation, a simple principle is: DON’T BUY IT.
A few weeks ago, my husband and I bought a liter of Coca Cola to unclog a drain. At home we never drink soda, but knowing that we had it, we were tempted and took several glasses.
- Educate your family

Children who are involved in the grocery shopping, are more eager to eat what they bought.
- Buy more fruits and vegetables
Make sure that more than a third of your purchase consists of fruits and vegetables. Your purchase will be cheaper and have more ingredients to prepare meals and snacks with
- Plan your menus

There are many websites where you can find thousands of simple and innovative recipes for your family.
- School store
If your children takes money to school, spend time with them to explain what is better to buy in the store in order to feel lighter and more energetic.
- Home visits
When you have visitors at home or friends of your children, seek to provide snacks made from fruits and vegetables instead of buying bags of chips and dressings.
Remember: We seek long-term habits gradually developed. You do not need to radically change your food. Try to make it as slow as possible so that the change does not become uncomfortable for anyone and that everyone finds new food options.
I hope these tips will be useful and that this return to the routine will be a new beginning for healthy habits.