Sunday, April 27, 2014

Relax in less than 5 minutes

Here you have simple and easy ways to help you relax wherever you are:

Pet your dog/cat
Your pet not only gives you unconditional love, but he's also good for your health.  When you pet your dog/cat even for just a few minutes, your body releases feel-good hormones like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin.  At the same time, it decreases the amount of the damaging stress hormones that are released, which helps lower blood pressure, less anxiety, and even boost your immunity.

Sing a song
Turn up the radio in the car or sing in the shower.  No matter how out of tune you are, singing can make you feel happier.  Choral members who were surveyed said singing put them in a better mood and made them feel less stressed.  Singing also can be good for your breathing and posture, as well as your heart and immune system.

Take a walk
Exercise is a great way to ease stress, it helps your body produce endorphins -- the substances in your brain that make you feel good.  It also forces you to focus, helping you forget what's making you anxious.  Exercising in warm, sunny weather can boost your mood.  And if you walk briskly for at least 30 minutes, you'll meet daily exercise recommendations, and increase stress-busting benefits even more.

Chew some gum
Chewing gum can do more than freshen your breath.  According to research, chewing a stick of gum also seems to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve mental performance during tasks

Take a deep breath
Aromatherapy isn't just for spas.  No matter where you are, taking a deep whiff of lavender or rosemary can put you into a more relaxed state.  Inhaling those aromas can lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. But just the act of breathing deeply is also a stress buster.  Deep breathing sends oxygen surging through your bloodstream, helping to calm your entire body.

See you next week!


Monday, April 21, 2014

Enjoy your VACATIONS without diets.

 Does the thought of taking a vacation remind you of snacks, soft drinks, alcohol, food and losing control of your weight? Do you predispose yourself to gain the weight you lost this last period?

Don’t freak out! This time I'll give some tips for you to go on vacation without guilt when eating and enjoying the most without gaining weight:

  • Try to prepare healthy snacks with fruits, vegetables and healthy dressings.
  • If you want to avoid small eating all day, choose the snacks that you like, put them on a plate and eat only that amount.
  • Always choose snacks that contain vegetables and have a fat-free dressing.
  • Choose fat-free dressings such as vinegar, chili powder, lemon, soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce.
  • If you know you're going out for dinner at a restaurant, try to have a very light lunch.
  • Do not skip meals, try to eat at least 3 times a day, even a little.
  • If you like alcohol, choose low calorie beverages such as wine and beer. Drinks with more degrees of alcohol like vodka, tequila and rum have much more calories.
  • If you drink beverages containing soda, use those that don’t contain sugar.
  • Whenever you can, drink natural water and add sliced fruit like watermelon, strawberry, kiwi, lemon, tangerine or orange to give it a little taste. You can add some Stevia to achieve the sweetness you want.
  • Try taking a walk a day, at least 30 minutes and preferably after eating.
  • Choose to be active this holiday, climb stairs, play with your children, do group sports, and go for a walk with your family.
  • Relax and sleep.

Remember that holidays are to recover and take new energy.  If you go up a few extra pounds, that is no reason not to enjoy your family.  You will eventually come back home and start your healthy routines.

"There is only one life, sizes are many" M. Godoy

Monday, April 7, 2014

A little secret that will transform your diet...

This week I was thinking about those small details that we commit in our diets that lead us to failure

Today we will talk about PORTION SIZES.

You can choose the most wonderful diet, internationally proven, the diet of Hollywood stars, you can buy the most exotic food, but if your portion sizes are larger than indicated, everything falls apart.

The concept of a "normal portion" is entirely relative. A portion that is excessive to me may be small for someone else.
For example, a serving of meat is equivalent to 30g (the size of the palm of your hand) and it is a common belief that a portion of meat is 150g because that is the amount of a “small” Mc Donald's burger.

To make it simple, in recent years everyday objects have been used as reference for food portion sizes.

poker chip = one serving of oil, butter, margarine or peanut butter = 45 kcal

pack of cigarettes = 1 serving of meat (chicken, beef, pork, fish) or cheese = Approx 70 Kcal

baseball or tennis ball = 1 serving of vegetables (25 kcal) or cereals (75 kcal)

CD = one serving of breakfast bread (hot cakes, waffles, bagel) = 75-100 kcal

In this way, the next time you make a change in your habits, compare what you call a portion with what it really is and try to adapt to these new quantities.
A very simple way is to choose smaller plates, so that every meal you eat a little bit less.

 You'll see that your efforts will be well rewarded.

Best of luck!