This time we have invited an expert in nutrition and fitness, Athenea Lara, with over 6 years of experience, she shares her secrets:

In the 80 's, everything we saw or read about nutrition tried to eradicate all common dietary fats, thus giving the message that any food containing any kind of fat was harmful to our health.
Athletes and people concerned about nutrition adopted the idea that the less fat their diet had, the better. From that moment on, a low-fat diet was fashionable.
Today it remains a challenge to change the mindset of people, and to make them understand that the correct fat is not only essential, but also very beneficial to our body.
I’ve seen this example with my clients: none seems to have any conflict with eating a muffin, brownie, or burger ... however the vast majority shows major concerns over olive oil, dressings or a small handful of almonds in their diet.
The message that I want to give today is: FAT IS NOT THE DEVIL, but quite the contrary, it is one of our best allies to get in shape.

It is true that there is a type of fat (let´s call them " bad fats ") that block our arteries, increase our adipose tissue, and accelerates aging, but it is also true that there is another type of fat ("the good one") that protects us against heart disease, damage from free radicals, increases our metabolic rate and fat burning, and can help gain muscle and testosterone production.
Next week we will talk in detail about which are good fats and how to use them to improve our health and live better...